82 Fairview Ave.
Naugatuck, CT 06770
Phone: 203-729-4334
Fax: 203-729-4336

Immediate Need

If you have immediate need of our services, we're available for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Order Flowers

Offer a gift of comfort and beauty to a family suffering from loss.

Advanced Planning

A gift to your family, sparing them hard decisions at an emotional time.

Obituaries & Tributes

It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.

Liturgical Planning

Please find the below Mass planning guide helpful, if you have any questions please feel free to call us at your convenience.

Once clicked on, the links for the PDF's will download to your computer.  If you don't have  Adobe PDF viewer please click here.



For the Funeral Mass of:


Reading from the Old Testament:

Old Testament Readings PDF

Family member that you would like to Read:


Responsorial Psalm, which is normally sang by the cantor:

Responsorial Psalm List PDF


Reading from the New Testament:

New Testament Readings PDF

Family member that you would like to Read:



Suggested Hymns Guide PDF





Meditation/ Military Tribute Hymn(Optional):

(Please note that a Meditation hymn must be liturgical in order to be played during mass, the only exception are Military hymns or the National Anthem.)



Presentation of the Gifts: ( 2, or 3  people)
Please let the gift bearers know that the gifts should be presented in the following order: Water, Wine and Bread.


Would you like a Eulogy included in the Mass?

Most churches allow eulogies, however they must be typed, no more than 3 minutes long, and submitted to the clergy a minimum of a 24hrs prior to the mass to make sure it is church appropriate.  Some families choose to not have the eulogy during the mass and will have it during calling hours, at the cemetery, or after the funeral at a gathering. 


Please give the eulogist our email so they can send us the eulogy and we can forward it to the clergy for them. 
















For your convenience, below are some samples of popular Catholic hymns.  Please click the name of the hymn for the song to play and adjust your computer's volumne accordingly. 

Ave Maria

On Eagle's Wings

Here I Am, Lord

Panis Angelicus

Gifts of Finest Wheat

Eye Has Not Seen

Prayer of St. Francis

I Am The Bread of Life

Amazing Grace


How Great Thou Art

Be Not Afraid

Come To Me

Shepard Me O' God





The music samples provided are provided for your convenience, they are not a repersentation of the music that will be provided durring servuces. Music samples provided from Catholic Hymns By Fred Bock Summit Sound Systems, Co. and Catholic Contemporary By Comfort Music Co. # CMI885











52 Weeks of Support

It's hard to know what to say when someone experiences loss. Our free weekly newsletter provides insights, quotes and messages on how to help during the first year.